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Page Design

Simple or Complex?
A page doesn't have to have complex design to look good. What it needs is to be readable. You can achieve this by choosing background colors or patterns which don't interfere with your text or images. You may need to test your page using lower resolutions to make sure that everything still looks good to those who are running older machines. Sometimes, background images look completely different on other machines.
Start With Color!
I found a very cool color selector. You need to have JavaScript enabled to see it, but the Color Cube is a fun way to choose your colors! This chart shows all 216 web-safe colors.

Every page should have a BGCOLOR selected which will contrast with the text color chosen. If your text is white because you have a dark background image, then you should also choose a dark BGCOLOR to match the image. Otherwise, while the background image is loading, none of your text will be visible!

Play with color!
It's fun to try different color combinations...=) Sometimes a very elegant presentation can be achieved simply by choosing nice colors for background and text!
Design with the TABLE tag.
The colored blocks on this page were created with HTML by using the TABLE tags. Annabella has an excellent tutorial on how to use these versatile tags.
Design with Web Graphics.
Many places in GeoCities offer free Web graphics for you to use. This is especially nice if you don't know how to create your own. I have just begun to create my own web graphic designs. I will also try to include other good sites in GeoCities to find original web graphics.

[Graphics Index | Page Design | Web Graphics Sets]

this page updated October 23, 2002.